Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/9/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Commissioners' Chambers
Regular Session
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0779 1  Informational ReportClosed Session   Not available Video Video
24-0770 1  AnnouncementAnnouncements (5min)   Not available Not available
24-0762 1  Informational ReportCitizen Comments (30min)   Not available Not available
24-0763 1  Ceremonial ItemResolution - Observing January 1, 2025, as Emancipation Day (10min)   Not available Video Video
24-0778 1  MinutesMinutes (5min)   Not available Video Video
24-0701 1  Action ItemApproval of Capital Project Amendment No.25CPA023 and Budget Ordinance Amendment No.25BCC046 Appropriating $368,119.48 from Debt Service Fund Fund Balance and Transferring the Funding to the PAYGO Fund for the Durham County Sheriff’s Office Body-Worn and In-Car Camera Capital Project (43103600DC092); as well as Contract Approval with Motorola Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $1,392,671   Not available Not available
24-0707 1  Action ItemApproval of Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 25BCC047 Recognizing $31,915 from the 2024 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) through the North Carolina Department of Public Safety to the Durham County Sheriff’s Office.   Not available Not available
24-0713 1  Action ItemApproval of Contract with NWN Corporation in the Amount of $113,547.83 to Purchase Network Equipment and Licenses for the Durham County Detention Facility.   Not available Not available
24-0716 1  Action ItemApproval of Contract with NWN Corporation in the Amount of $115,532.91 to Purchase Replacement Switches for the Durham County Sheriff’s Office   Not available Not available
24-0718 1  Action ItemApproval of Ambulance Purchase through the SAVVIK Cooperative for Five Ambulance for the Office of Emergency Services for a Total of $1,926,750.00.   Not available Not available
24-0719 1  Action ItemApproval of Contract with Stryker for the Purchase of Three (3) Power-LOAD Units in the amount of $89,999.99.   Not available Not available
24-0739 1  Action ItemBudget Ordinance Amendment No. 25BCC050 for the Department of Social Services to Recognize $627,500 from the City of Durham for the Low Income Homeowners Tax Relief Program (LIHRP) and to approve the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Durham County Department of Social Services and the City of Durham for the Low Income Homeowners Tax Relief   Not available Not available
24-0740 1  Action ItemBudget Ordinance Amendment No.25BCC048 to Recognize $180,000 of a Grant Award to the Durham County Library and to Authorize the County Manager to Sign and Execute the Subaward Agreement between North Carolina Central University and Durham County Library   Not available Not available
24-0753 1  Action ItemApproval of Capital Project Amendment No.25CPA026 Reducing the Detention Center Cell Window Replacement Capital Project (4190DC084) by $500,000 and Increasing the Ongoing Facilities Systems Upgrades Capital Project (4190DC087) by $500,000 to Cover Unanticipated Equipment Replacement Costs   Not available Not available
24-0761 1  Action ItemApproval of Budget Ordinance Amendment No.25BCC056 Recognizing $1,137,481 of Durham County Transit Plan Funding from GoTriangle for the Bus Rapid Transit Vision Plan and Transit Plan Management, as well as Approval of One New Transportation FTE to be Funded by the Durham Transit Plan   Not available Not available
24-0767 1  Action ItemApproval of Amendment to increase Contract with Durham Children’s Initiative by a total of $61,500 using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding to Administer the DCo Thrives Guaranteed Income Pilot Program   Not available Not available
24-0777 1  Action ItemApproval of Property Tax Releases and Refunds for November 2024   Not available Not available
24-0790 1  Action ItemApproval of Durham Board of County Commissioners - Boards and Commissions Appointments   Not available Not available
24-0742 1  Informational ReportARPA Budget Reconciliation and Approval of ARPA Grant Ordinance Amendment No. 25ARPA001 Moving Funding Between Functional Areas to Align with Final Project Authorizations and Approve Contract Amendments to Support Final Project Authorizations (20 min)   Not available Video Video
24-0793 1  Action ItemApproval of Capital Project Amendment No. 25CPA027 and Budget Ordinance Amendment No.25BCC059 Reducing $3,135,308 of Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund Fund Balance Allocated for the Slater Road Lift Station, Force Main, and Outfall Capital Project, Transferring $3,135,308 of Budgeted ARPA Funding to the Slater Road Capital Project. The project budget will remain $22,349,654.00   Not available Video Video
24-0795 1  Action ItemApproval of Capital Project Amendment No. 25CPA028 and Budget Ordinance Amendment No.25BCC060 Realigning Funding Sources for the Justice Services Department Transition House by Removing $307,428 of ARPA Funding from the Project and Replacing it with Debt Service Fund Fund Balance Transferred to the PayGo Fund. The Project Budget Remains $422,428.   Not available Video Video
24-0765 1  AppointmentBoard and Commission Appointments (10min)   Not available Video Video